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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Practice Questions : Class 11 Maths : Sets

Question 1 : Let A, B and C be sets, then show that A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C).

Question 2 : Out of 100 students; 15 passed in English, 12 passed in Mathematics, 8 in Science, 6 in English and Mathematics, 7 in Mathematics and Science; 4 in English and Science; 4 in all the three. Find how many passed:
  • in English and Mathematics but not in Science
  • in Mathematics and Science but not in English
  • in Mathematics only
  • in more than one subject only

Question 3 : Two finite sets have m and n elements respectively. The total number of subsets of first set is 56 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. The values of m and n respectively are: (A) 7, 6 (B) 5, 1 (C) 6, 3 (D) 8, 7

Question 4 : Let A and B be two sets, if A ∩ X = B ∩ X = φ and A U X = B U X for some set X, prove that A =B.

Question 5 : Let P be the set of prime numbers and let S = {t | 2t – 1 is a prime}. Prove that S ⊂ P.

Question 6 : If A and B are subsets of the universal set U, then show that:
  • (i) A ⊂ A ∪ B
  • (ii) A ⊂ B ⇔ A ∪ B = B
  • (iii) (A ∩ B) ⊂ A

Question 7 : A, B and C are subsets of Universal Set U. If A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20} B = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15}, C = {5, 10, 15, 20} and U is the set of all whole numbers, draw a Venn diagram showing the relation of U, A, B and C.

Question 8 : In a town of 10,000 families it was found that 40% families buy newspaper A, 20% families buy newspaper B, 10% families buy newspaper C, 5% families buy A and B, 3% buy B and C and 4% buy A and C. If 2% families buy all the three newspapers. Find:
  • (a) The number of families which buy newspaper A only.
  • (b) The number of families which buy none of A, B and C

Question 9 : If X and Y are two sets such that X ∪ Y has 18 elements, X has 8 elements and Y has 15 elements; how many elements does X ∩ Y have?

Question 10 : If X= { a, b, c, d } and Y = { f, b, d, g}, find: (i) X – Y (ii) Y – X (iii) X ∩ Y

Thank you very much for reading carefully, if you have any other questions, you can share it with us through comments, if this information was important to you, please let us knows through comments.

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